Best cryptocurrency exchanges

Each of the cryptocurrency exchanges listed below have strengths and weaknesses. I’ve personally used Cryptsy and Coins-e, and I highly recommend them both. Between the two, you can trade almost any cryptocurrency you can name (check out our list of all the existing cryptocurrencies).

List of cryptocurrency exchanges

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    Cryptocurrency exchange risk factors

    There are a number of risk factors to consider before choosing an exchange. First and foremost, you want an exchange with a track of record of paying out withdraws. Carefully consider all of the following risk factors:

    • Cryptocurrency exchange closure, seizure, bankruptcy or hacking
    • Government shutdown of a cryptocurrency exchange
    • New tax rules on cryptocurrency trading gains
    • Extreme volatility

    I recommend dividing your funds between two or more exchanges ideally in two different sovereign jurisdictions to limit some of your risk. You should also consider taking profits often and withdrawing those funds frequently.

    Cryptocurrency exchange benefits

    Thanks to the speed of cryptocurrency transfers, it’s extraordinarily easy to move money from one cryptocurrency exchange to another, or to send funds back out to your personal digital wallet. Cryptocurrency exchanges allow you to speculate on the price of emerging currencies, leverage your bet on bitcoin (assuming other cryptocurrencies rise faster) and accumulate coins which would otherwise be difficult to mine or acquire on your own.

    What’s the easiest way to buy bitcoin?

    I always recommend Coinbase. It’s simple, fast, and has some powerful venture capital behind it. Once you have bitcoin, sending it to a currency exchange is as easy as a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to transfer digital currency faster than you can with bitcoin, check out our list of the fastest cryptocurrencies.

    If you know of any other cryptocurrency exchanges that support more than half a dozen currency pairs, please let me know in the comment section below, and I’ll add them to the list.


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